Sunday, November 27, 2011

The story behind the story

Just finished reading Ted Dekker's "Circle" trilogy.  (Yes, I know I'm late to the party... but wow, did the premise ever draw me in for a quick read that made up for lost time!)  Frankly, the premise manages to out-do Frank Peretti, in terms of "wrestling not with flesh and blood..." 

I was dismayed to come to the end; the trilogy was that good.  Part of me is tempted to read other books he's written, but part of me is concerned this was his magnum opus, and anything else will suffer by comparison.

It's not every author who can pull off conscious allegory without being completely predictable or trite.  The idea of the Great Romance was perfect.  The Bible includes many things: history, wisdom, poetry.  But above all, it's the greatest true love story ever told.  And while Dekker's writing is a vivid insight into that story, it can't be forgotten that the Romance itself is real, and that it continues.

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