Can we at least agree that the American people deserve the truth? That governing ourselves requires getting accurate information from the people who we elect? That their function is to represent us? And that they have no right to lie or mislead? Opposing mendacity ought to be a no-brainer. What I see instead is a mainstreaming of the notion that it isn't a big deal for a political candidate, an elected official, or an appointee to lie or deliberately mislead...As any good recovery program will tell you, admiting you HAVE a problem is the first step. The question now is whether we have the will to do anything about it. Instead of individually seething about our loss of confidence in government, why aren't we collectively demanding the resignation of those who have broken their faith with us? Like the writer says: opposing mendacity ought to be a no-brainer. So should immediate demands for the ouster of anyone who engages in it.
Wouldn't America be better off if the fervor for truth and shaming of liars that characterizes our sex scandals was applied to surveillance, torture, kids killed by drones, landmark legislation affecting a fifth of the economy, and matters of similar import? It wouldn't keep politicians honest. But it would keep them more honest.
Without consequences, there is no accountability.
Hmmm... do I still hear crickets chirping?
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