Thursday, May 03, 2012

How about some accountability?

Police are entrusted literally with the power of life and death.  And yet it seems difficult to recount easily the penalties levied on officers of the State when situations like this happen:
The Drug Enforcement Administration extended an apology to a University of California engineering student who was locked in a holding cell for more than four days and forgotten about. The student drank his own urine in desperation and attempted to kill himself, before agents returned four days later and found him, he said in a news conference covered by NBC and other outlets...

Chong says he finally gave up on screaming for help, and eventually tried to kill himself with the glass from his spectacles and drank his own urine, sure he would die there.
A DEA agent discovered him days later and quickly called an ambulance which drove him to the hospital, where he spent three days in intensive care because of his near-failing kidneys, he said.
Some "agents" need to be fired, and permanently barred from ever holding the power of incarceration again.  Said agents also need to bear the brunt of the lawsuit that will inevitably (and rightfully) follow--not the taxpayers.  There should be no "official immunity" for such an egregious failure to maintain basic humanity while wielding the authority of the State.  Those responsible need to be named and shamed. 

Sadly, too many will read this and conclude "well, he admits he was at a party to get high, so I guess he asked for it."  This is part and parcel of the same mental justifications used to ignore TSA traumatizing of four-year-olds and crippled youngsters.  Americans need to demand basic respect and dignity for all in State custody, and when confronted with stories like this ask themselves "what if it had been me?"

Because one day it very well could be...

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