Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Different flavors of freedom

This author does a good job of delving into the different facets of freedom, and exploring how not everyone in the world wants the same combination we developed in America:
Freedom is often confused as being a universal value shared by all societies and nations. But the truth is not everyone wants our American values, including certain freedoms. There are four different types of freedoms, but since we Americans have all four of them guaranteed by our US Constitution, we tend to bundle them together as being one. The four types are...

Our Founding Fathers understood these four freedoms and incorporated all of them into our Constitution. We became the first nation in modern times to have all four freedoms. Since then other nations have adopted freedoms for themselves. But there are some nations who just don’t want all four of these...
Until we understand that freedom means different things to different people, we will continue to get drawn into overseas adventures in a fool's attempt to impose our own social scheme on people who find it intolerable.  Meanwhile, this national exertion on our part serves to empower those who would undermine the majority of the freedoms that, in combination, have made the United States such a unique nation in the history of the world.

Something to think about...

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