Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Turn out the lights, already...

In honor of the release of Mark Twain's embargoed autobiography, Sen. Harry Reid is trying to prove the writer's observation that "nobody's life, liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session."
Senate Democrats on Tuesday unveiled a broad agenda for an end-of-session sprint that otherwise could be a whole year's worth of activity — including an arms-reduction treaty with Russia, a major immigration reform bill and legislation overturning the ban on openly gay military service members.

What is likely to get the most attention is the omnibus spending bill, spanning 1,924 pages and spending what amounts to an average of $575.13 million per page...

Mr. Reid is pushing a flurry of action while many lawmakers are eyeing the door. Mr. Reid, though, said Congress will stay until he tries to tackle issues he says have been unfairly stalled by the GOP.

"I hate to report all this to you, but, you know, there's still Congress after Christmas," he told reporters. "So if the Republicans think that because they can stall and stall and stall that we take a break, we're through, we're not through."

After failing (again) to complete the annual budget on time -- the ONLY legislation required of them by the Constitution -- they now try to cram a "year's worth of activity" into just a few weeks. I'm sure this flurry of proposals--already rejected at the ballot box--will be carefully thought out and transparently crafted. Right? Lest anyone think my disgust is only at the Democratic leadership, I also took note of this tidbit:
The bill marks a last bite at pork for many Senate Republicans, who voted last month to impose a one-year earmark ban on themselves, beginning next year.

All those hard, disciplined actions always seem programmed to occur next year. But as the saying goes, "tomorrow never comes." That's why we're bankrupt. Both parties are guilty of these lame-duck session shenanigans, but this takes it to a new level. Were I given the power to, I'd adjust Congress as follows (for starters):

- May only be in session June 1st to Oct 1st. A balanced budget MUST be produced and submitted to the President for signature or veto by September 15th, to ensure it's in place at the start of the new fiscal year. Failure to produce this product on time would result in forfeiture of all pay and allowances for the fiscal year. Most of the rest of business each session should be oversight and review of programs... NOT the creation of new legislation. ... and hearings on steroid use in baseball are, as Monty Python says, "right out."

- President may recall for special session only to address declared national emergencies -- specifically, invasion/war or catastrophic natural disaster.

- Must return to home district the remaining eight months of the year. Spread 'em out so K Street doesn't have one-stop shopping for lobbying, and the people they represent have them close by.

Some would say this results in a "do little" Congress. Exactly. Prep the budget, account for the spending, then go the hell home and leave the rest of us alone. Sound like a concept?

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