Sunday, December 12, 2010

The law

Had an interesting discussion in Bible study this morning. Much of the discussion surrounded Psalms chapters 19 and 119, with other related scripture added in as relevant.

As I've said on this blog before, Americans--and Christians in particular--need to stop looking at the law as a means to 'build better people.' It's purpose is to protect, not to perfect. That latter role can be accomplished only by the Spirit, not the law.

I still smile when I think of an old Frank and Ernest cartoon that had them standing in a law library, looking at the piles of books. One said to the other: "to think it all started with just 10 commandments." In the U.S. today, if those commandments are discussed at all, it tends to be over whether they ought to be displayed publicly. I certainly wouldn't mind seeing more of that, but as with many other issues, we seem to spend more time on the style of the issue than the substance. We need the commandments inscribed on our hearts far more than we need them inscribed on court buildings or other public forums. If our nation truly understood them, and the intent behind them, we would not have to spell out every last little possible loophole. We would, instead, "act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God."

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