Sunday, December 05, 2010

As I was saying...

Shortly after posting yesterday's "Saturday Sounds," I read this article at Time Magazine:
It all began a year and a half ago, with a quarrel over a bowl of water. A group of women farm workers were suffering in the heat near a village in Pakistan's Punjab province. Aasia Noreen, an illiterate 45-year-old mother of five, offered them water, but was rebuffed. Noreen was a Christian, they said, and therefore her water was unclean — sadly, a common taunt hurled at Pakistan's beleaguered Christians. But rather than swallowing the indignity, she mounted a stout defense of her faith.

In a depressingly familiar pattern, her defense of her faith was twisted into an accusation of blasphemy, according to her family and legal observers familiar with the case. As a frenzied mob pursued her, the police intervened, taking her into custody. But far from protecting her, they arrested and charged Noreen with insulting Islam and its prophet. And on Nov. 8, after enduring 18 months in prison, she was sentenced to death by a district court, making her the first woman to suffer that fate.

Noreen's case has spurred the first genuine debate over some of Pakistan's most controversial laws.
May God continue to spare her life, and comfort her in this trial of her faith. And may her testimony be magnified to a country that desperately needs both to confront deeply entrenched evil and to hear the good news of the Gospel. Soli Deo gloria.

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