Monday, October 18, 2010

Terminally rotten

Found this late last week (via Vox), but saved it for today so as not to spoil anybody's weekend. In a sane world, this story would run in every major media outlet, followed shortly by plenty of arrests of people in overpriced suits.

What's increasingly clear is that we don't live in a sane world.
Tomorrow, a bank—not your bank, but any bank—could evict you from your home. Even if you didn’t know the bank was foreclosing. Even if your mortgage is paid off. Even if you never had a mortgage. Even if the bank doesn’t hold a single piece of paper that you signed. And major banks not only know this fact, but have spent millions of dollars to defend it in court. Why? The answer starts with a Jacksonville homeowner named Patrick Jeffs...
One reason I believe we're quickly headed for a flash point is that those who tend to bend the system for their own gain are giving up any pretense of legitimacy. Everything from the massive bailouts to stories like that linked above points to a final frenzy of looting before abandoning a sinking ship.

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