Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Quote of the day

I suspect this won't be the last time the GOP 'establishment' hears this refrain:
The Tea Party Express said it hoped the National Republican Senatorial Committee would reconsider its decision not to support O'Donnell.
"We encourage the NRSC to take a night off, get some sleep, and reconsider their rash statements," Tea Party Express spokesman Levi Russell said in a written statement.
"Wake up NRSC," he added. "The reason the Tea Party movement has grown into such a powerful force is because of the failures of establishment organizations such as yours to honor the principles of the Republican Party platform.
"You tried to force through the most liberal Republican in Congress on the voters of Delaware and they rejected you."
The major parties have, for years, predetermined which candidates are 'electable,' thus narrowing the voters' choices to those acceptable to the system. But we don't have to play the rigged game if we choose not to.

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