Wednesday, August 18, 2010

This could be promising...

I've been reading a lot lately about speculation of a 'bubble' in higher education. Frankly, it should be clear by now that starting your professional life six figures in debt is not a sound model for life. But some folks seem to have missed the memo:

Law school is a “scam,” the blogger wrote. Administrators are greedy “charlatans” who could not care less about education, and students are but “hapless lemmings” who have been tricked into paying a fortune to enter “America’s most overrated, miserable and saturated industry.”

Within months, the blog was drawing up to 5,000 unique readers a day, many of whom praised the anonymous writer — known only as Law is 4 Losers — as a hero for exposing the lies they say they, too, were fed about secure jobs and generous incomes...

As they enter the worst job market in decades, many young would-be lawyers are turning on their alma maters, blaming their quandary on high tuitions, lax accreditation standards and misleading job placement figures. Unless students graduate from schools like Harvard or Yale, they “might as well be busing tables,” Bullock said.

“It’s really just a big Ponzi scheme,” said Bullock, 33, of Bridgewater. “They’re just cranking kids out for $45,000 a year.”

Frankly, America is awash in lawyers, and that's one of its major problems. Wouldn't it be great if some of these disgruntled young would-be sharks turned on the diploma factories that produced them? After all, they're 'victims' now, right? Such a scenario seems almost... poetic...

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