Tuesday, September 02, 2008

And now, for something different...

... clean limericks. It's a shame this word form is mostly known for the bawdier tales. These at least were worth a smile when I stumbled on them.

There once were two back-country geezers,
Who got porcupine quills up their sneezers.
They sat beak to beak,
For more than a week,
Working over each other with tweezers.


Said a salty old skipper from Wales,
"Number One, it's alright to chew nails.
It impresses the crew,
It impresses me too,
But stop spitting holes in the sails!"


Now the limerick, it's really quite true,
Most poets completely eschew.
Seems they all write free verse,
or quite possibly worse,
engage in the dreaded haiku.


Danny Wright said...

Did you write these? good work!

Jemison Thorsby said...

Thanks, but I can't take credit -- these belong to some anonymous authors online.

I'll have to do an edition of my own work... perhaps in the "dreaded haiku" format. :)

Danny Wright said...

haiku... yuk!

KSH said...

Been missing BJT... :(

Jemison Thorsby said...

kathars1s -- me, too. :(

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