Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The 'objective' press

From Anchorage, Alaska:

Alaskans may nominate fringe candidate

by Channel 2 News Staff
Monday, Dec. 10. 2007

ANCHORAGE, Alaska -- In a poll conducted Monday, Dec. 10, Channel 2 News asked which GOP presidential candidate Alaskan Republicans plan to support in the Super Tuesday caucus.

A slim majority of respondents support Ron Paul, a Texas congressman known for wanting to abolish the IRS and opposing the Iraq War.

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who's surging in national polls as well as Iowa caucus polls, came in a close second.

Which Republican presidential candidate will you support in Alaska's caucus?

Rudy Giuliani -- 14%
Mike Huckabee -- 22%
John McCain -- 9%
Ron Paul -- 29%
Mitt Romney -- 9%
Fred Thompson -- 12%
Other -- 6%

All polls conducted by Channel 2 News and are unscientific. ((especially if they result in numbers we don't like for candidates we don't like... -- Jemison))


Some questions: if nearly a third of those polled support Paul, can he really be defined as a "fringe" candidate? It seems the press is making more of a statement about his political philosophy, not his level of support. And can you recall another political poll where a seven-point lead is reported as a "slim majority?" So much for objectivity.


KSH said...

Now, the national propagandists are placing Huckabee far out in front of Paul! Who can you believe anymore?


Applied for a couple of jobs there. Still waiting on phone calls, but I know I'm on one roster and soon to be on two more.

Jemison Thorsby said...

Good luck with the job application. It would be nice not to be a lone voice of reason around here! (heh)

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