Crude oil breaches $90 a barrel and yet...
Cape Cod Commission denies Cape Wind application
Watching our nation dawdle developing its renewable energy potential, even in the face of

While in Hawaii, the Musketeers' Mom and I visited South Point, the southernmost piece of the United States, and home to stiff breezes ideal for wind farming (the wind's so consistent trees grow at a steep angle!). The Pakini Nui Project went online in July 2007, providing 21 megawatts (about 10,000 homes worth of power). Sadly, though, this only scrapes the surface of the area's potential. An earlier project with about 37 turbines was allowed to fall into neglect and disrepair.
Still, at least there seems to be growing awareness and emphasis in places like Hawaii in developing their renewable potential. (We also visited an experimental solar array facility on the Big Island.) Whether that emphasis and accomplishment keeps pace with the growing need to move away from oil is still very much in doubt, however. The next time you hear someone complain about fuel prices, it might be worth quoting lines from a couple of old '60s songs: "The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind," and "Let the sun shine!"
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