Yes, Ms. Lopez, that's exactly what it is...but you left out the part about these being ILLEGAL immigrants. As in against the law; criminal activity; go-directly-to-jail-don't-pass-GO offense. That's what a sheriff is SUPPOSED to do with such people. And if such action deters others, then hey, it's working like it should!"It's really an attempt to intimidate immigrants by threatening and imposing incarceration," said Victoria Lopez, executive director of the Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project.
Peter Schey, a lawyer from Los Angeles hired by the Mexican consulate here to represent some of the detainees, said, "This sheriff is not the director of homeland security, but that is how he is acting."
As for Mr. Schey, I can only say this sheriff is acting like the director of homeland security because the real one seems to be preoccupied with everything EXCEPT securing the border.
I'm not annoyed because I think these two people are goofy. Far from it. I'm annoyed because they're both being disingenuous--and they know it.
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