Meanwhile, Congress—controlled by Republicans who once had some sort of Contract with America about limited government and spending—are larding up “emergency spending bills” with obscene amounts of pork and daring the President to use a first-ever veto.
Pundits are predicting a possible exile of the GOP to the political wilderness. As if bringing the Democrats to power will really alter any of these trends. The only difference left between the parties is how fast they will ruin the country in pursuit of short-term political pandering. That’s it in a nutshell. Two party system? Ha. What we have is a ruling class that switch hits with different party labels to give the illusion of choice. Latest exhibit? Rupert Murdoch (owner of the allegedly right-leaning Fox News) is hosting a fundraiser for…Hillary Clinton.
As much as I’d love to see a viable alternative party emerge, such a development will mean little unless there is also a devolution of power from D.C. Centralized power attracts and nurtures a ruling elite, complete with courtiers (in our case, the press). Returning responsibilities back to the local level, where the average citizen can monitor and interact with them, is the only way to reign in the bi-factional charade.
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