This is not a call to create blind loyalty to yet another party; that's what got us here in the first place. Just as the military swears allegiance to the Constitution, not the President, Americans must remember political parties are useful tools, but dangerous masters. If the Founders thought it legitimate to throw off an entire government when it no longer served life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, how much more appropriate--and less painful--would it be to use the peaceful means available to us to thoroughly clean house of two used-up political parties, come November?As Arthur Conan Doyle once wrote, "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."
It is now impossible to argue Republican politicians are any different than Democratic politicians with regard to their intrinsic ideology or their long-term goals for the nation. The intraparty debate merely concerns the speed with which the Constitution is abandoned, the sovereign rights of Man are eliminated and global federalist government is instituted.
Reform is impossible. One can no more reform a political party than one can reform a Fortune 500 corporation. Competition is the only answer; if one does not like IBM's computers, one does not apply for a job in IBM's mail room in the hopes of one day becoming CEO and changing the company's direction, one starts a company selling rival computers. There are a plethora of examples of successful reformations by competition in the corporate world, and one can even find them in American political history; where are the Whigs today?
There are certainly ideological differences between ''third'' parties such as the Libertarian Party, the Constitution Party and the current American Party, but these pale in comparison with each parties differences with the bi-factional ruling party of Democratic-Republicans. It is time to set differences aside and form an American Alliance that subscribes to the following three arch-principles:
- The sovereign rights of the individual Man.
- Constitutional literalism and originalism.
- Absolute national sovereignty.
Parties serve us;your article is well said.
Thank you -- and I'm honored to have had you stop by!
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