Many people enlist in the military out of a sense of patriotism. The military then spends great effort forming these recruits into units. The cohesiveness of those units has a lot to do with their effectiveness. When the bullets start flying, liberty is an abstract idea...a luxury. But your buddy--the one you trade MREs with, huddle in the mud with, or wait out the sandstorm with--they are real. They're the one you don't let down. Or leave behind.
The numbers on the list below become abstract, too. But each of them represents a life cut tragically short as they did all they could not to let that buddy down. And as they lay down their lives for their teammates, they secured the country we know today. As we pray this Sunday, pray for those left behind to face the reality of these numbers. May God bless them all, and may we honor them by cherishing--and protecting--the legacy they left for us.
Part of the bill for America's Freedom (killed in action):
Revolutionary War: 4,435
War of 1812: 2,260
Mexican War: 13, 383
War Between the States: 558,052
Spanish-American War: 2,446
World War I: 116,708
World War II: 407,316
Korean War: 33,651
Vietnam War: 58,168
Desert Storm: 293
War on Terror (Afghanistan/Iraq; to date): 2,738
Any word on the earthquake? Seems like a good PR move, but who am I to say.
We're standing by in case they ask. That's pretty much all anyone knows at this point.
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