Sunday, April 09, 2006

Flirting with fire

Some have compared the current 'war on terror' to the "Sitzkrieg," or "phony war" phase of WWII, when French, British and German forces stared at each other from across the Maginot line. All the action then was in the east, in Poland and the Balkans, and the war had not yet come home to the West.

The Sitzkrieg, however, was followed by a sharp six weeks that left Hitler the master of continental Europe. The speed of the change was breathtaking.

If the comparison is apt, and this report is true, our own sitzkrieg may be very near an end, and there's no knowing where the next phase may lead.

I hope our leaders are mindful of the just war concept. If not, we could be about to confirm much of the evil our enemies are saying about us, and truly ignite the civilizational struggle our leaders have repeatedly said isn't happening.

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