Friday, March 31, 2006

You're History

From Charlie Reese:
There seem to be two schools of thought on teaching American history. One school wants to tell our children that all of their ancestors were angels; the other wants to tell them that all of their ancestors were devils.

It should be sufficient that our children know that their ancestors did what they believed they had to do. That is all any fair-minded person can ask of another. We humans are not omniscient, omnipotent or clairvoyant.

… Someone in the future with the knowledge that comes only with hindsight might judge us harshly. So be it. There is no escaping the fact that we can act only on the basis of our perceptions of reality at this time.

History isn’t a table of dates and events, though sadly that’s how it’s often taught. It’s a story – THE story – and indeed, ‘truth is stranger than fiction.’ Every generation looks back with the smug assurance that comes from knowing how the story turned out. Yet that same generation doesn’t know what tomorrow will bring. Only by walking a mile in the shoes of those who shaped the past--people more like us than we often care to admit--can we understand the mixed motives, hopes and fears that led them to act as they did. Once we see through their eyes, their choices—and the resulting consequences—can help light our own murky path to the future.

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